Amanizorg brand identity    

Amanizorg is a young care institution, located in Rotterdam, that focuses on people with slight intellectual disability, criminal background and re-integration challenges. Amanizorg provides guidance, counseling, training and group support to develop the independence and self-reliance of their clients for a smoother re-integration into society. After 10 years, Amanizrog thought it was time to rebrand and come up with a new identity that clearly communicates and represents their purpose and to inspire a re-framing of identity of these individuals. 

A friendly,  modern and young purpose-driven brand identity 

The goal of this project was to create a more  friendly, modern and young purpose-driven brand identity. A consistent, attractive and up-to-date offline presence of Amanizorg.

The challenge

The challenge for this project was to transform the Amanizorg brand into a more friendly, modern and young brand while creating a purpose-driven brand identity. 
“As a designer I am convinced that a strong brand should be felt in everything you do, deliver and say.


We believe that everyone has a hidden talent and so do the clients of Amanizorg. Through brainstorm sessions with Amanizorg, it became clear that their underlying purpose comes down to the re-framing of identity. 
Since our fingerprint represents our identity, it felt like a suitable symbol to represent Amanizorg as well.  The fingerprint is not only a recurrent symbol in the brand identity, but it is intended to inspire their current and potential clients to discover their talents and recreate a new identity. 
Created by: Chimene Adoptie