4C architecture brand identity    

4C architecture wanted a new brand strategy and design to reflect their vision of creating state of the art spaces that inspire and empower people to function at their best. They wanted to differentiate themselves from their competitors in an already crowded architectural space.   

Simplicity carried to an extreme, becomes elegance.

The goal of this project is to create a more fresh and  engaging brand experience. A consistent, attractive,  up-to-date online and offline presence of 4C architecture. 

The challenge

 While other architectural firms lean towards the traditional and static buildings, 4C architecture is different. They aim to be focused on people while improving the human experience through the design of spaces that trigger the human emotion.


Presenting a brand identity that is anything but static! It is full of energy and life that enables 4C to tell their stories in an inclusive, intelligent and people centric way. The result is an architectural firm positioned as leaders: celebrating the people, the stories, the workspaces, the journeys and the outcomes they help create.

From Brand Strategy to Brand Identity